James P Duffy
J.P. is a globally recognized international arbitration practitioner who handles all aspects of the international arbitration life cycle, from strategic clause drafting and investment treaty structuring, to acting as lead counsel in the merits phase, and award enforcement. He has represented clients across a range of industries in international arbitrations under the ICC, AAA/ICDR, LCIA, HKIAC, SIAC, DIAC, JAMS, GAFTA, ICSID and UNCITRAL rules in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America and handles arbitration-related litigation, such as actions for interim relief in aid of arbitration, award enforcement, and 1782 actions. In addition to his counsel work, J.P. also routinely sits as an arbitrator in commercial disputes, and is listed on the arbitrator rosters of most arbitral institutions, including specialized panels such as the AAA-ICDR Life Sciences panel.