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David Barniville

David Barniville

​​Mr. Justice David Barniville is the President of the Irish High Court. He was appointed a judge of the High Court in December 2017 after almost 27 years in practice as a barrister and Senior Counsel in the Courts of Ireland Europe. David was the judge in charge of the Commercial Division of Ireland’s High Court from 2019-2021, and is also designated as the Arbitration Judge to hear all arbitration-related matters in the High Court. He was previously the judge in charge of the Strategic Infrastructure List in the High Court (2018-2019). David was appointed to the Court of Appeal in August 2021. He was appointed President of the High Court in July 2022. In that role he is ex officio a member of Ireland’s Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and the Council of State, a body established by the Constitution of Ireland to advise the President of Ireland in the exercise of many of their discretionary, reserve powers.

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